【三言独家】EOS Nairobi:用区块链改变非洲——三言独家专访非洲大陆首家EOS超级节点竞选团队
DorAemon 2018-05-25 15:20







在非洲大陆,形势更加惨淡。几个月来没有一家来自非洲本土的团队宣布竞选EOS超级节点。可就在小编以为非洲大陆将无缘节点竞争的时候,忽然间窜出一个全部为非洲人民组成的团队宣布参与,他们就是来自肯尼亚内罗毕的EOS Nairobi。

EOS Nairobi是肯尼亚人Daniel Kimotho领导的竞选团队。团队的八个核心成员均是肯尼亚本地人,大多数从肯尼亚大学毕业。在EOS Nairobi官方网站上,团队对自己的使命做了如下描述:
 “EOS Nairobi是非洲大陆第一家参与竞选EOS超级节点的区块产出者候选人,我们坚信去中心化是未来人类发展方向,同时我们致力于通过去中心化应用创造社会财富,消灭贫困。”

由于种种原因,非洲大陆各国文明发展一直远远落后于地球上其他国家和地区。时至今日我们依然能从各种渠道听闻非洲国家急需救助的新闻。在这种背景下,EOS Nairobi宣称的目标“创造社会财富”勾起了小编的好奇心,很想仔细了解一下EOS Nairobi计划如何通过区块链技术应用来改变肯尼亚乃至整个非洲大陆现状。

于是小编联系上了EOS Nairobi团队,并对他们做了专访,以下是采访内容:

此次采访回答来自EOS Nairobi的社区运营总监Joshua Nyaga,技术总监George Mosomi和调研员Roselyne Wanjiru


EOS Nairobi:作为区块链协议,EOS相比其他协议有四个重要的优势:可扩展性,支持大量每秒交易笔数(10,000笔/秒-100,000笔/秒),用户体验和成本效益。

  1. 可扩展性允许节点的垂直和水平容量得以在支持DApp的网络中拓展。

  2. 交易数量:10000笔/秒-100000笔/秒交易量意味着更高层次的效率提升

  3. EOS的目标是提供一个简单直接的用户体验,让人们能简单安全的使用应用而不感到困惑。

  4. 成本效益:去中心化的应用完全免费,这对于推动数百万用户使用应用至关重要。



三言财经:在EOS Nairobi官网的简单介绍中,团队相信去中心化是积累社会财富的方式,请谈一谈你们打算如何通过去中心化创造社会财富?

EOS Nairobi:EOS生态系统的一个重要支柱即是社区。设计的整合要求拥有可供数百万人免费使用的应用程序,并且我们相信创建这样的应用程序将通过创建身份、获取和参与的核算和利用机制来创造社会财富。当人们遇到机会并有能力利用机会时,就会用自己的知识和技能做出贡献。因此,这种对各个社区产生的影响会,逐渐转变为创造力和社会财富。我们已经看到,这种情况也已经在EOS Nairobi社区的早期发展阶段中出现。

三言财经:EOS Nairobi 是非洲大陆第一家EOS超级节点竞选团队。你们认为团队将会给肯尼亚乃至整个非洲带来怎样的改变?

EOS Nairobi:我们有幸在这一方面创造了历史。在非洲大陆,区块链技术在金融方面有很多主动地尝试案例。许多人从使用加密货币中获利;还有一些人设立了支付网关,比如Pesa Base,用以解决汇款的效率问题。

EOS Nairobi将会通过高质量的交流和教育,帮助人们认识到这项技术所带来的好处。我们已经启动了一个孵化器项目,开发构建DApps所需的技术技能,并为准备采用或扩大区块链技术的企业提供技术支持。不仅如此,因为政府正在制定相关政策和法律框架,我们与其他关键组织合作的开发人员团队也将监督ICOs的启动,以支持计划利用区块链技术的企业和组织。监管和政策方面的差距在很大程度上阻碍了区块链技术在各国的采用;因此,EOS Nairobi一直在寻求缩小这些差距,帮助企业、组织、政府以及大众理解、欣赏和采纳区块链技术的优势。

三言财经:目前,已经有超过150多家团队宣布竞选EOS超级节点,其中美国和中国的参选团队数量已经超过了总数的百分之五十,那么在这种情况下EOS Nairobi的优势是什么?





EOS Nairobi:我们相信,虽然这可能是一开始的趋势,但它会在适当的时候平稳下来。因为EOS有一个连续的投票过程,最有效的节点将变得越来越流行,而那些效率低下的节点将被淘汰。这是系统设计的一部分。

三言财经:EOS Nairobi有没有计划和全球其他团队合作?在你们看来,这种国际合作的意义在哪?

EOS Nairobi:是的,EOS内罗毕自成立以来一直与世界各地的其他EOS团队合作。此外,EOS内罗毕目前正在与Block.one开发人员进行合作,开设区块链开发人员教学班,以提高编码人员的数量来支持网络。因此,合作将涉及到教育和能力建设、开发人员培训、咨询工作,这些项目将建立在EOS和技能教育的基础上,以支持全球EOS生态系统。EOS Nairobi还汇集了来自世界各地的法律专业人士,目前正在与我们的政府工作队成员一起,为ICO在肯尼亚和全球范围内的启动提供法律框架支持。


三言财经:EOS Nairobi目前正在开发4DAPPs,请详细介绍一下这四种应用吧。

EOS Nairobi:

  1. Health-Wealth Coin——Kunga Kahohia创立了“回归自然运动”,其主要目的是通过在社区的Health-Wealth Coin来激励健康和积极的生活态度,人们通过分享他们的故事和成就,或者是追求积极生活方式的里程碑来获取这种代币奖励。该项目旨在解决非传染性疾病的危机,创造健康意识,为参与健康生活社区的人们提供解决方案和支持。

  1. Crypto Savannaah -Amos Mburu创建了这个计划,为艺术家们创造一个平台,让他们能够安心地从他们的工作中获利。该应用程序将通过智能合约为艺术作品提供版权保护功能,确保没有抄袭或侵犯版权同时降低创作者收取劳务费的繁琐手续。它还将确保艺术家能直接对接艺术市场,并且能够实时了解作品的价格。

  1. Nyumba Kumi -这是Amos Mburu提出的另一个DApp,旨在利用区块链和石墨烯技术为全国人口普查提供解决方案。统计对于社会经济规划和发展至关重要,但是这往往被后勤、地理和人力资源方面的挑战而阻碍。通过使用这个DApp,可以减少这些困难以及预算的限制,从而提供所需的统计数据。

  1. Ulinzi是由Joshua Nyaga开发的,肯尼亚的交通警察系统非常腐败。公众经常被迫向交通警察行贿和勒索,这是一个非常普遍的问题,经常会影响到公共交通系统的运作,公交系统人员常常为了不遵守交通规则而付钱给警察。我们想要开发一款区块链DApp,通过激励警察高效和道德地完成他们的工作来解决这个问题。DApp会将警察收集的罚款按照一定百分比返还给开罚单的警官。通过和司法部门合作,一旦罪犯被判有罪并缴纳罚款,逮捕他的警察会立即得到20%的罚款。因此,警察不再有意愿收受1到10美元的小额贿赂,而是等待司法系统的审判并得到100到1000美元的罚款,直接转到他们的账户。

三言财经:目前节点奖励已经从5%降低到了1%EOS Nairobi会因为收益降低而考虑退出吗?

EOS Nairobi:尽管收入减少了,但我们相信这不会对我们作为出块节点候选人的价值产生重大影响,也不会影响我们构建EOS社区的目标。我们相信,在未来的几个月和几年里,EOS的价值将会大大增加,因此我们相信,我们将能够满足EOS Nairobi出块平台的高效运行所必需的成本。社区的成员并不完全依赖于区块节点的奖励,他们同时也在寻求其他的方式来为生态系统和他们自己的生活增加价值。

三言财经:EOS Nairobi计划如何分配节点收益?

EOS Nairobi:EOS Nairobi计划以如下方式分配其超级节点奖金:

  • 25%的收益用于储蓄

  • 50%的收益用于支付运营成本

  • 25%的收益将用于开发社区项目,种子阶段投资的Dapp和社区教育项目。

三言财经:如果EOS Nairobi未能成功竞选,你们下一步计划是什么?

EOS Nairobi:EOS Nairobi将继续通过能力建设、开发人员培训、社区教育和节点工作/区块生产来支持EOS生态系统中的其他团队。围绕着EOS的生态系统的发展,许多组织将需要技术支持和咨询,以了解如何利用新兴技术。EOS内罗毕将继续成为一个资源和装备中心,与其他全球团队合作,推动区块链技术在非洲乃至全世界范围内采用。


EOS Nairobi:亲爱的读者们,我们非常感谢您在我们竞选的旅程中给我们的支持和关注。我们将与你们共同努力,在我们的社区、经济和国家推动区块链技术发展,所以每个投票都很重要!我们始终秉承EOS的愿景、使命和原则,坚定不移的履行节点指责,以实现我们所能追求的价值。很高兴能与你们一起传递我们的价值,投票给我们,我们可以一起做更伟大的事情。


做完这次采访,截止至发稿时,非洲大陆已经有三家团队宣布参与竞选EOS超级节点竞选了。小编很高兴能看到EOS网络呈现的地理多元化特征,也同时为非洲的发展感到欣慰。然而冰冻三尺非一日之寒,EOS Nairobi需要走的路和需要解决的问题还很多,但通过这次采访,小编感受到这个团队对自己国家乃至非洲发展的热情,相信无论他们成功与否,都会给这片土地带来不一样的色彩。



English Version

EOS Nairobi: Adopts Blockchain to Change Africa---Exclusive Interview with the First Team Involving in the Campaign for EOS Super Nodes in the African Continent


Autuor: Bill Xie & Juliet Zhang

As of May 26th, over 170 teams have announced their campaigns for EOS super nodes, with teams in the United States and China already accounting for 50%, yet most of the rest come from developed countries in the United States and Europe. Seemingly, the campaign for EOS super code is a dream that difficult to come true for small countries suffering from poverty with resource scarcity.

The situation is even worse in the African continent. There has no team announcing the campaign for EOS super nodes in recent several months. When I thought the African continent has no chance to compete for EOS super nodes, a team consisting of Africans suddenly announced to attend the campaign, which is EOS Nairobi located in Kenya.

As a campaign team led by a Kenyan Daniel Kimotho, EOS Nairobi has eight core members who are the natives and most of its members are graduated from universities in Kenya. On the official website of EOS Nairobi, the team introduces its mission as below:

“EOS Nairobi is the first candidate as blockchain producer in the campaign for EOS super nodes”. It firmly believes that decentralization is a development trend of human in the future, meanwhile, It is committed to creating wealth and relieving poverty through decentralization.

For one reason or another, civilization and development in African countries lag well behind those of the rest of the world. Even now, we are still heard news through various channels, describing that African countries are in desperate needs. Under this background, “creating social wealth” as the aim announced by EOS Nairobi made me more curious, so I really want to know about how EOS Nairobi plans to change the current situation of Kenya even the whole Africa through using the blockchain technology.

Hence, I contacted and interviewed with the EOS Nairobi team regarding topics as follows:

Sanyanblockchain: Why does the EOS Nairobi choose the EOS? What features of the EOS that the Nairobi prefer the most? How does the EOS Nairobi think about the future development of the EOS?

EOS Nairobi: EOS, as a blockchain protocol has four vital advantages (among others) over other blockchain protocols: scalability, support for a large number of transactions per second (10,000 - 100,000), user experience and cost effectiveness.

Scalability allows for both vertical and horizontal capacity of nodes to be expanded on the network supporting decentralized applications.

Number of transactions: with 10,000- 100,000 transactions being supported on the network, this translates to high level efficiency in executing transactions, whether they are sequential or parallel.

EOS aims to offer a simple and straightforward user experience, so that people find the applications easy and safe to use. They won’t have to be confounded by using the applications.

Cost effectiveness: the decentralized applications are to be free to use for all, and this is vital in driving adoption of these applications for millions of users.

Put together, these four aspects enable the development of decentralized applications and smart contracts, both which will leverage the potential of this technology for advancement in different industries.

The future development of EOS will see the framework being improved upon to support and fast-track the Fourth Industrial Revolution. EOS will be well positioned to accomplish this through the principles of governance, arbitration, best practice and community development.

Sanyanblockchain: In the brief description of the EOS Nairobi, the team believes that the decentralization is our future, can you talk about the details about how decentralized applications could create social wealth.

EOS Nairobi: One of the vital pillars of the EOS ecosystem is community. Integral to its design is the requirement to have applications that can be used for free by millions of people, and we believe that the creation of such applications will create social wealth through creating mechanisms of accounting for and leveraging identity, access, and engagement. When people are exposed to opportunities and given the ability to take advantage of these opportunities, it enables them to contribute their existing knowledge and skills, therefore, having this effect multiplied across various communities will progressively translate to having both creation and transfer of social wealth. We have already seen it being at work in the early stages of the EOS Nairobi community.

Sanyanblockchain: EOS Nairobi is the first and only EOS BP candidate in the African continent. What changes do you think EOS Nairobi can bring to Kenya and the African continent?

EOS Nairobi: We are privileged to be making history in this regard. On the African continent, there have been numerous initiatives in financial technology as the primary use case of blockchain technology in Africa. Many have profited from the usage of cryptocurrencies; others have created payment gateways, such as Pesa Base to ease financial remittances.

EOS Nairobi will spark the quality conversations and education greatly needed to help people to appreciate the benefits that this technology has to offer. Already, it has launched an incubator program that is developing the technical skill needed to build decentralized applications and provide technical support for businesses that are ready to adopt or scale up on blockchain technology. Not only this, but also, the team of developers in partnership with other key organizations will oversee the launching of ICOs, as the policy and legal framework is being created to support enterprises and organisations that plan to leverage blockchain technology. The gaps in regulation and policy have largely hindered adoption of blockchain technology in various countries; therefore EOS Nairobi will by example seek to close those gaps and help companies, businesses, organisations, governments and individuals to understand, appreciate and adopt the advantages of blockchain technology.

Sanyanblockchain: More than 100 teams around the world have announced their campaign for EOS super nodes, with teams in the United States and China already accounting for 50%. What are the advantages and disadvantages of EOS Nairobi under the certain circumstance?

EOS Nairobi: The current advantages include the fact that EOS Nairobi is in a unique physical location as well as unique jurisdictional position. In order for EOS to be effective and secure, it needs its nodes to run on many different locations across the world. This ensures that in the event that there is a significant push to expunge blockchain from a certain government or set of governments, there needs to be some level of redundancy to make sure that the system stays alive. That is why location and jurisdiction matter so much to the long term outlook of EOS, and any other blockchain for that matter. This is the idea at the core of decentralization.

It should also be noted that the Kenyan government has extended an olive branch to the blockchain community and has set up as tackforce into Blockchain and cryptocurrency in order to leverage on the potential of this new technology. Unlike many established economies with a rigid outlook on the economic stability of the country, our government is actively pursuing new ways of getting foreign direct investment into the country and cryptocurrency is seen as a gateway to this.

Another major advantage is that we are the gateway to a continent of more than a billion people, most of whom are unbanked. This means that Africans are a prime candidate demographic for Blockchain. We have a very large population of people who are young and just waking up to the possibilities of technology in their lives. These are people who are trainable and eager to learn about new ways of doing things. Not only that but also, we have many problems here that do not have any conventional solutions to them right now. When you look at the West, for example, most blockchain applications are businesses that already exist converted into blockchains. Here, there is a vacuum of solutions. An example is how well mobile money has done in Kenya with M-PESA able to attract over 27 million customers in a country of just over 30 million adults. We believe that cryptocurrencies’ growth will dwarf this.

Sanyanblockchain: Now many EOS BP candidates have started to form a coalition and run for the super nodes as groups. What do you think about that? Does this mean that EOS is going to be centralized?

EOS Nairobi: We believe that although this might be the trend at the beginning, it will smooth out in due time. Because EOS has a continuous voting process, the nodes that are most effective will become more and more popular while those that are inefficient will be voted out. This is part of the design of the system.

Sanyanblockchain: Does EOS Nairobi plan to work with other teams in the world? For example, many teams in China and the United States, in what way does EOS Nairobi want to cooperate and in your opinion, what is the significance of the multi-national cooperation?

EOS Nairobi: Yes, EOS Nairobi has been engaged since its inception with other EOS teams around the world. Furthermore, EOS Nairobi is currently engaged with Block.one developers in introducing a blockchain developer class to enhance the availability of coders to support the network. Collaboration will therefore be with regard to education and capacity building, developer training, consultancy based on the myriads of projects that will be built upon EOS and skills transfer to support the global EOS ecosystem. EOS Nairobi has also brought together legal minds and professionals from across the world and is currently in the process, in conjunction with members of our government task force, of coming up with a legal framework for ICO launch both in Kenya and potentially, globally.

Multinational cooperation on projects and initiatives is vital, considering that EOS is a global ecosystem. By design, one of the pillars of EOS is community, therefore, collaboration will be necessary in further building and leveraging that ecosystem. This collaboration is necessary in unlocking the potential and power of this blockchain protocol, building essential partnerships and ultimately contributing to societal benefit and wealth.

Sanyanblockchain: EOS Nairobi are going to build 4 EOS DApp, can you provide more details about them? After the EOS main net launch, what kinds of DApps do you believe will be more popular and successful in the future?

EOS Nairobi: Health-Wealth Coin-Kunga Kahohia founded the Back to Nature movement, whose main aim is to incentivize healthy and holistic living through the Health Wealth Coin in its community, as people share their stories and achievements or milestones in pursuing a holistic lifestyle. It specifically addresses the crisis of non-communicable diseases, creating awareness,providing solutions and support to people who are part of the community in pursuit of healthy living.

Crypto Savannaah-Amos Mburu founded this initiative to create a platform for artists to profit securely from their work. The application will provide secure features for art work through smart contracts, ensuring that there is no plagiarism or infringement of copyright as well as easy payment to the creators. It will also ensure that artists are able to access their market directly, furthermore being able to control the prices of their work.

Nyumba Kumi-this is another DApp proposed by Amos Mburu, aiming at leveraging blockchain and graphene technology to provide solutions for the national census. Enumeration is vital to enable proper socio-economic planning and development of policy for citizens. It can however be hampered through logistical, geographic and human resource challenges; however, through use of this DApp, these and budget limitations can be mitigated to deliver the needed statistics.

Ulinzi-Developed by Joshua Nyaga the need for this came due to a very corrupt traffic police system here in Kenya. The public is often forced to pay bribes and extortion fees to the traffic policemen. This is a very common problem and often affects the public transportation system here where those that operate the system often pay the police off in order to be allowed to disobey the traffic rules and regulations. We want to build a blockchain dapp that will combat this problem by incentivising the police to do their job efficiently and morally. The dapp will give a percentage of all fines collected by a police officer back to the arresting officer. This will work in conjunction with the Department of Justice so that once a culprit is found guilty of an offence and they pay their fine, the fine is split so that the policeman who arrested him gets 20% of the fine immediately. Therefore the police are no longer incentivised to take small bribes of $1 to $10 but to wait for the judicial system to work and get a $100 to $1000 fine delivered straight to their account.

Sanyanblockchain: Now the bonus of nodes already decreased to 1% from 5%, Will EOS Nairobi consider quit due to less income?

EOS Nairobi: Despite the decrease in revenue, we believe that this will not significantly affect the value of our Block Producer candidature and what we want to achieve as a community. We are confident that the value of EOS will increase considerably in the coming months and years so we believe that we will be able to service all the costs that are necessary for the efficient running of our Block Production platform. Members of the community are also involved in many ventures as individuals that are potentially value additional and are thus not solely reliant on the block rewards so they are looking to other branches to add value to the ecosystem and their own lives.

Sanyanblockchain: How does EOS Nairobi plan to distribute the super node bonus?

EOS Nairobi: EOS Nairobi plans to distribute its Supernode bonus in the following manner.

25% savings

50% operational costs

25% on community projects, Seed stage investment in Dapps and Community education program.

Sanyanblockchain: If EOS Nairobi fail to be one of the 21 super nodes, what your plan next?

EOS Nairobi: EOS Nairobi will continue to support other teams in the EOS ecosystem through capacity building, developer training, community education and node work/ block production. The ecosystem around EOS is cast and many organisations will need technical support and consultancy on how to leverage emerging technologies. EOS Nairobi will continue to be a resource and equipping center to work with other global teams in driving the adoption of blockchain technology not only in Africa, but also around the world.

Sanyanblockchain: Finally, can you left some messages for the Sanyan Blockchain media readers, to vote for EOS Nairobi or to provide some investment advice?

EOS Nairobi: Dear readers, we appreciate you on our journey to the Block Producer Candidature. We are in this to work together with you to drive the adoption of blockchain technology for all the benefits it is set to bring to our communities, economies and nations at large; so every vote matters! We believe in the vision, mission and principles of EOS, and we aim at continually embodying them to deliver the value we can and are ready to take to the world. We will be glad to deliver that value with you, so as we choose you, vote for us, because together, we can do greater things.

Regarding investment, we call upon you to invest in your dreams and in your relationships, because in these two aspects will be the keys to realize greater achievements and value delivery. This applies not only to the EOS ecosystem, but also to our lives; because as we discover what life is truly about, it becomes increasingly important to make it count in the things most meaningful to us.

After this interview, I am very happy to see that EOS network featured geographic diversification, and I'm delighted for the development of the Africa. As an old saying, “Rome was not built in a day”, Thus EOS Nairobi has a long way to go and will face numerous difficulties to be resolved in future. Most importantly, I experienced enthusiasms of this team in the development of its country even the Africa and I believed this team will bring something different to this land whether they succeed or not.